Hello, I am Sally!

I am from Tianjin, China, and I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Communication and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

As an ENFJ-T, I am a passionate and enthusiastic individual who thrives on connecting with others and making a meaningful impact.

As a social media content creator, I have developed a love for video editing and drawing, which has led me to explore my academic interests in multimodality, digital literacy, and media literacy.

When I'm not studying or creating content, I indulge in my passion for performing arts. I enjoy expressing myself through K-pop dance, immersing myself in the cultural richness of Beijing Opera, and appreciating the wit and humor of cross-talk.

Where I’m From

The theme of my digital poem is independence and nostalgia which depicts my vague memory of preschool life and my study journey. In this poem, I share my stories of important moments, objects, and environments that shape my identity.

Lost without a Guide

This fiction film, which is conceptualized, choreographed, and performed by me and Zihe Liu, aims to reflect the Chinese social issue of the digital divide and express our voices to our peers, the government, and the App producers to deal with this social problem together.

The Beauty of Diversity in Social Work

My campus life at SEU


This is a set of games that help you to estimate whether you are having a color-blind problem or not.